
Tuesday, January 1, 2013


Out with the old... In with the new. 
2012 was definitely full of wonderful and challenging opportunities and experiences. Here's to another year of learning under the Lord's guidance!  

Here are some things that I learned from 2012 and hopefully (by posting it permanently to the internet) I will remember them as this year goes on:
1. Always listen to your mother. It can prevent you from making a dessert that tastes like grit. No offense to anyone that enjoys Ricotta Cheese. To be honest, I love it in this recipe! Like, absolutely adore. You should try them! Just....not this one...
(It looks innocently delicious enough, huh?)
2. If you find yourself driving down a road named "Roach Street," switch directions immediately. (This one was actually from a few years ago, but it still makes me laugh...and cringe a little.)

3. Talking loudly and with animated gestures in a packed restaurant might be slightly embarrassing (for the party you are with), but you only get one shot at the day. So make it count and flail your arms to no end!

4. Every situation has a Silver Lining. Sometimes it's hard to find but it's always there, waiting to be seen!

5. Laugh so hard that tears stream down your face and you can't breathe. And snort a little! 

6. It's okay to read a book series multiple times. I mean hey, if it's good...why not?? 

7. iPhone auto corrections are absolutely hilarious. I can't even handle it.

8. I love my church family and friends with all of my heart. Especially when it's Game Night. Those nights never come often enough!!! 

9. My mouth has a tendency to run away from me. Good thing my friends still love me and are willing to hang in there while I try to reel it in!

10. I learned that too much of a good thing....isn't always good. Remember?

11. GPS systems are important when traveling into parts unknown. One-day Summer beach trips will never be the same again. And that's totally fine!

12. Don't rent a movie until it's been thoroughly researched on PluggedIn. I had more *facepalm* moments in the last year than I would like to admit. 

13. It's okay to act like a fool with kids. Seriously. Who knew that dancing around the kitchen, making completely abnormal sounds and facial expressions, and making a mess could be fun? And the best part - they will think that you're the bomb-dot-com!

No matter how many challenging, painful, or annoying things happen, I hope that you are reminded that you have the love of God, your family, your friends, and a good sense of humor to help you through whatever life throws your way! As a green, animated bug with a beard once said "you never know what your God-given talents are unless you try new things." Amen, bug boy. Amen.

Cheers to a new year

Happy eating,

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