
Friday, August 17, 2012

Oven-Baked Rotisserie-Style Chicken

Up until a month ago the only time that I had consumed a rotisserie chicken was somewhere other than my house. Why? Uh..duh... you kind of have to own a rotisserie spit thingy in order to have rotisserie chicken at home. Or you have to buy it at the grocery store, and who wants to shell out 6 to 8 bucks for a precooked chicken?!? Apparently not me. 

One day last month, I was in the grocery store and a friend asked me if I wouldn't mind getting a rotisserie chicken for her. While I was waiting in line to make my purchase, it struck me: there has got to be a way to make a rotisserie chicken without the spit part! Because that just really looks weird and makes me picture a full-blown pig being roasted. Not my kind of appetizing.

Not 2 days later, I found a recipe that called for leftover rotisserie chicken that I just had to try. I still hard-headedly refused to go and purchase one, so my quest to make a rotisserie chicken began! 

The first recipe I found? Crockpot Rotisserie Chicken. This was perfect because it was the day before my Olympics Party and I had to work all day.

I will make that one again when I'm done experimenting with the gobs of experimentation that I want to do! 

The only downside to the bird that I found was that the skin wasn't crispy. Don't get me wrong, this recipe was great for the wraps and the flavors kept getting better and better as the days went on. But I was missing that crispy skin. Back to the drawing board.

So on Wednesday, this is what I did..
 Is your mouth watering yet? Because it should be! 

I had a hankering (that's southern for craving!) for rotisserie chicken again. Never you mind that it's only been 3 weeks since my last rotisserie chicken. This time, I was going to do it right. I went to the store, purchased my bird, and came home to find my recipe. Notice the order that this happened in? Yeah...I probably need to switch those around a bit.  

Anyway, I was thinking that it would take at least 3 hours to bake, so I had basically set aside all afternoon to do this. 1 hour. 1 HOUR is all that it took to make it!!! Hello, nice afternoon off. How are you?

I cannot express how I felt when this chicken came out of the oven. It was pure love! I mean, look at that picture above! So, so wonderful! 

It was tender and juicy and the meat practically slid off of the bone and onto my plate. Actually, I put the whole chicken leg on my plate and ate it. It was divine. 

We served it along with okra and tomatoes, broccoli slaw, and potato crisps - which we will not be talking about because they weren't potato crisps, they were potato...weirds. (There's your word of the day: weirds. Use it at least once, please!) 

Oven-baked Rotisserie Chicken
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoons brown sugar
  • 1/2 tablespoon plus 1/2 teaspoon teaspoons dried thyme
  • 1 teaspoons kosher salt
  • 1 teaspoon paprika
  • 1/2 teaspoon granulated garlic
  • 1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/8 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  •  1 whole chicken, about 4 to 5 pounds
Preheat oven to 450˚F. 

In a small bowl, combine the brown sugar,thyme, salt, paprika, garlic, black pepper, and cayenne pepper with olive oil, mix well until the rub ingredients are thoroughly moistened. 

Using your hands, coat the chicken completely with the rub, working it into the skin. Save a little bit to rub inside of the chicken as well.

Place the prepared chicken on a rack in a roasting pan. Cook it at 450˚ for 15 minutes, then reduce the heat to 375˚F and cook for an additional 35 to 45 minutes, or until the juice runs clear when the skin is pierced with a knife, and the internal temperature is 165˚F. Let rest for 10 to 15 minutes before cutting.  

I already want this again and it's only Friday.

Happy eating,

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