
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Cotton Blues - Restaurant Review

When I passed the sign for Cotton Blues when it opened months ago, I remember thinking "Hmm, interesting name. There's a new restaurant in town. Maybe one day I'll get out here and try it out." Done. End of conversation. 

Then, when my friend and I went to Georgia Blues, one of the places that we had talked about going was CB. But we had decided that we were more in the mood for a burger (which later translated into a kick-tail duck salad for me) instead of Southern food.

However, Cotton Blues didn't escape my knowledge without a quick look at their menu on the internet and I was happily surprised to find that CB is actually a restaurant that exclusively uses local and state-wide grown food (minus their fish, which comes in every 6 days from Hawaii.) 

If you know me, you know that I am totally into locally grown, natural yumminess when it comes to food. Therefore, CB got bumped up a few spaces to the "must try the next time I go out" spot. Now, enter in this past Tuesday night being girls' night out, and you shouldn't have to guess where we ate!

As soon as you walk in the door, you're welcomed with a rustic, almost "earthy" feel of blue, white, and wood (the way that cotton looks out in a field). When I looked at the menu, the first thing I saw was a list of their food suppliers. We got a bread basket (ciabatta bread and cornbread) that came with 3 spreading options: whipped butter, pot licker from their sauteed greens, and a lima bean spread. The lima bean spread won me over almost instantly! It had a subtle kick to it, and I ended up just eating it off of my knife!

I order an appetizer once every blue moon (right next to practically never), but when I saw the Deep South Eggrolls filled with gulf shrimp, fresh cabbage, and rabbit tenderloin, I couldn't fathom passing up the chance to try it! They were delicious - the epitome of what an eggroll should be: crispy on the outside, tender on the inside and absolutely bursting with flavor. 

 For the main course, we ordered a Roasted Beet Salad with green apple and a pecan crusted goat cheese fritter and Sweet Tea Glazed Tazmanian Salmon with braised cabbage and sweet potato gratin. Now if you know me, you know that I honestly cannot. stand. goat cheese. I have tried to eat it multiple times and no matter what, my gag reflex always manages to make an appearance. CB managed to pass the test though! The goat cheese was warm (something that I had never really tried) and the pecans gave it a slightly different texture and altered the flavor just a bit, making it delicious! Kudos to them for winning me over!

When we ordered the salmon dish, our waitress asked us how we wanted it cooked. That one took me by surprise because I've never been asked how I like my salmon! She suggested medium and I told her that I trusted her judgement. Yep. Totally trust her judgement from here on out! That salmon was superb. As in: literallyflakingoffoftheskin-inatotallygoodway. And the yummy crust that was baked on top? Fab-u-lous! 

We finished off the night with an Oreo Tres Leches Cake (we never get dessert at restaurants, but hey, it was girls night!) that could knock your socks off. 

Cotton Blues can expect me in the near future. I'm coming back to be impressed all over again! 

Happy eating,

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