
Thursday, August 30, 2012

Zucchini Chips

I hope that you don't get completely annoyed with me, but I'm about to go zucchini crazy. Like....seriously. I don't know about you, but it seems that I must have missed the zucchini season this year???? I'm catching the tail end of it so I have to make the best of it! 

First up on the "Zucchini must-do" list: Zucchini Chips. I saw them on Pinterest once and decided that I would try them. They were soggy! Then, I decided to get creative. How else do you get something (other than potatoes) crispy in the oven? The breading method. But hold on to your hats! It doesn't have bread in it. That's right! Then what, you may ask, did I use? Romano Cheese. 

Here's your history lesson of the day. Romano cheese comes from Southern Italy and Parmesan cheese is from Northern Italy. My heritage is strong in the South. (Southern Italy and I live in the South!) It's a good thing that I like it. :) Oh, and I could eat Romano cheese by the spoonful. I can't help it! 

Anyway, let me just say that these chips were delicious! Seriously, you must add this to your "I have to make this!" list! :) 

Happy eating,
      Zucchini Chips
1 medium Zucchini
1/4 - 1/3 cup Milk
1 cup Romano Cheese, grated or finely crumbled
1/8 tsp. Basil Salt
1/4 tsp. ground Black Pepper

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Position your oven rack at the second highest level. 
Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil, then place a cooling rack in the pan. (This is the key to making the chips!!) 

Wash, dry, and slice your zucchini into 1/4-inch thick coins.
 Pour milk into a bowl. In another bowl, combine the Romano cheese, basil salt, and pepper.
 Dip the zucchini coin into the milk.
 Then coat it well on both sides in the cheese-mixture.
 Place the prepared chips on your baking sheet/cooling rack contraption.

 Bake for approximately 20 minutes. Check your pan every 5 minutes to be sure that you don't over-bake them.
 Remove from the oven and let cool completely on the rack.
 Once cool, remove from the pan and enjoy!!

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