
Saturday, September 1, 2012

Zucchini Boats

Because what's the point of food if you can't have fun with it?? ;)
I can't really say why I wanted to make these other than that they just looked good! I mean...zucchini, tomatoes, and cheese?? How can it get any better than that? Oh, and bonus: these are really easy to make! Like...really. easy. It made me do this while I was making them - :) 

I got the idea from Pinterest (of course!), but I had to change it up a bit! So here's my version of zucchini boats.

Happy eating,
Zucchini Boats (adapted from

Whole Zucchini Squash, washed and dried
Olive Oil
Garlic, minced or crushed
Salt & Pepper, to taste
Tomatoes, finely chopped (Grape Tomatoes can be used, but I didn't have any on hand.)
Romano Cheese (Parmesan works also)
Italian-Cheese Blend, shredded

First, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Cut zucchini in half length-wise.
 Then, take a melon baller and scoop out the seeds in the middle. Transfer to a baking sheet.
 In a small bowl, mix together an appropriate amount of olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper.
 Using a pastry brush, generously brush the garlic mixture over the zucchini.
 Next, fill the center of each zucchini half to the brim with your tomatoes.
 Then, generously sprinkle with Romano and Italian-blend cheeses.
 Bake for 25-30 minutes (depending on the size of your zucchini) until the cheese is melted and lightly golden.
Grab a fork and knife (if you're like that. Maybe it's just me.) and dig in! 

1 comment:

  1. OH MAN this looks YUMMMMMMMY! Thanx! Can't wait to try this one!
